TO WORK FOR YOU. Together.

I focus on the creativity  and the relationships  in your business.

Because they’re the work of your heart—and the beating heart of your business.

Trademarks & Copyrights

Trademarks and copyrights value and care for your Creativity.

A trademark identifies your business (through its name or logo, for example) as the source of its goods or services in the marketplace—and prevents others from using a confusingly similar name or logo. 

A copyright is a set of exclusive legal rights in your original work—that prevents others from copying it (among other things)—and creates various ways you can use it to earn.


Contracts value and care for your Relationships.

Through Clarity and Boundaries.

Your contracts—which define the agreements in your relationships—are the container, the river banks, within which you business operates—and your magic happens.

When they are clear and consistent—from the outset—they nurture and grow relationships. They engender trust. They even stoke the flame of creativity.

Contracts are most powerful in the making. Because they require clarity and communication between your business and everyone dear to it.

It is through Contracts that I’ve seen clients get the most clear about what they value, how they want to operate, what their business needs to actually deliver its promise and the Relationships that support that (as well as those that clearly don’t).

Not clear  on exactly what  you need?

You’re not alone. I’ve found that most business owners don’t know what they need—or what the priorities should be.

That’s OK. (It’s not your fault. You’re not a lawyer. You’re amazing at what you do.)

That’s my job. Let me be amazing at what I do—for you and your work.

Let’s figure out where your resources and focus are best put—before you invest—with a 90-minute:

Legal Needs & Priorities Assessment:  $1250 

It’s not  about fear.  It’s about care.

Taking care of the legal needs of your business is not about fear—or lack.

It’s about care. It’s about devotion.

It’s about stewardship (and sometimes that means fierce protection) of the value of your creativity and relationships.

And, it’s about being fully present to the challenges and conflicts that arise—and using them as fuel for transformation.

I would love to work with you.

Because, indeed, the law  is a spiritual  teacher.