Yes! You can have a client contract that you’re excited to send—that feels good to you and your clients.

You know how it is:

You have an amazing call with a potential new client. The chemistry between you, and the synergies of the work you’ll do together, are just right. You’re excited about the work and the client. And they’re excited about the work and you. (This is why you do what you do!)

And now, you have to send your client contract.

And it all deflates. 

The energy (and your enthusiasm) has now completely changed. The language and tone of the relationship has completely changed.

It doesn’t feel like the relationship you are so excited about anymore. It feels, well, icky. And awkward. And incredibly impersonal.

So . . you hedge around it, or hesitate awkwardly. You hold your breath that your client doesn’t recoil—or you send nothing at all.

You want to be clear.

You want to have the boundaries of your work and your team respected (even if that team is just you).

You want to stop leaking money by spending time, energy and resources on things that “crop up” that you did not understand to be part of the project, but the client did.

But it doesn’t seem possible—not without the legalese.

You’re not alone. (Nearly all of my clients have felt this way.)

And it doesn’t have to be this way.

Your client contract does not need to be a sticking point that derails your client engagement process.

It can create exactly the right bridge from talking about the work you’ll do together into doing that work together. It can establish a dynamic where the boundaries around your work are not crossed.

And, it can do it in a way that’s easy and feels good—and sounds like you.

That is what your client contract is meant to be.

I’d love to work with you to create it.

 schedule a 1/2 hour consult with me.

In your consult, we will:

  • Ask what is working and not working—with your client contract and in your client relationships;
  • Create a preliminary plan for crafting a client contract that creates clear boundaries, facilitates the flow of money, work and communication in your client relationships, and feels good to both you and your clients.
  • Answer any questions you have about creating your contract—or working together. 

You can then decide to work together to craft the client contract that is exactly right for your business—practically and energetically. (If you do, your consult fee will be applied to the fee for your client contract.)

It’s my job to ask all the pertinent questions, so you don’t need to prepare anything at all before we meet. (Clients find just the consult puts them at ease.)

I look forward to working with you!